Fired Up
I just got back from Colorado Gold, the annual Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer's conference in Denver. I've been going for several years, and I get a lot out of it each time. This year, in addition to a bunch of workshops, I had a critique roundtable with and agent, and a pitch appointment with an editor. The roundtable also included several other writers. We all sent in 10 pages and a short synopsis, and then each of us critiqued the others, and the agent critiqued them all as well. We ended up Skyping with the agent due to a last minute injury, but it was still like having her right there.
I was really happy with the comments from the other writers, and ecstatic with the comments from the agent. She said, "Compelling story and something unique when going into a paranormal plot. I wanted to read on, was excited by the premise, and the unique take on a serial killer plot."
Needless to say, I'll be sending her a query very soon!
The pitch also resulted in a request for a full read from the editor. She's Senior Acquisitions Editor with a publishing house that only does thrillers and mysteries and also seemed to think my plot was unique and interesting, and that the paranormal aspect was handled well. She read a query letter and a longer synopsis, and said "Send it!"
I can't send immediately, however, because I picked up a couple great ideas from workshops. One was on forensics regarding animal fur, and the other was on action scenes. I hope to have my edits done by the end of the weekend and on their way. Wish me luck!