Twas the Weekend Before Christmas
Twas the weekend before Christmas and things are a mess
I’ve been putting off what needs done, I willingly confess
Packages to wrap litter every room
If I don’t get my butt in gear, we’re surely doomed

Menu? What Menu? You mean I have to cook?
I was just settling in to work on my book!
I got the tree up and decorated and that was a win
But I waited so long it's almost time to take it down again
This whole thing used to be so much easier
Might have to do with me being a lot geezier
I do miss the old days with a house full of family
When rarely a year went by without a calamity
Most of the family has gone their separate way
Creating their own memories and traditions for the day
We have lots of photos (the real kind, mind you)
To remind us of the past - good, bad, and crazy - it’s true
And now another year is nearly done
but all in all it's been a pretty good one

Here’s wishing a very Merry Christmas to everyone
May the New Year bring health, happiness, and a ton of fun!