Simple Formula for Living a Good Life
Live beneath your means
Return everything you borrow, and say Thank You!
Stop blaming other people for your life choices
Admit it when you make a mistake
Give clothes not worn/items not needed to charity
Do something nice and try NOT to get caught
Listen more/talk less
Take a 30 minute walk every day
Strive for excellence, not perfection
Be on time; don’t make excuses
Be kind to unkind people
Let someone cut ahead of you in line
Take time to be alone; learn to happy without needing someone else to make you happy
Cultivate good manners in yourself and your children
Be humble
Realize and accept life isn’t fair
Know when to keep your mouth shut
Go an entire day without criticizing anyone
Learn from the past; plan for the future; live in the present
Allow other people to have their opinion, even if it’s not the same as yours
Don’t sweat the small stuff (it’s all small stuff!)